in new york, i realized:
I crave collision. I want to collide. I want to cross borders. I want to inhabit strange spaces. How to do this? First, take a plane to a foreign country. Land. Declare yourself an inhabitant. Begin under cover. Pretend. Scowl when your cover is blown. Shrink, adapt, mold. Wear a lot of black. Do not speak so much, or smile. Dissolve. Despair.
Second act. Declare yourself an immigrant. Not visitor. Not stranger. Dissolve the cover. Smile. Laugh. Talk loudly - sometimes. Make connections. Make yourself uncomfortable. Make others uncomfortable. Relish this feeling. Relish the feeling that others will other you, because you are easier to swallow as an other, sexier, more interesting. It's when they begin to realize that you might be just like them that you lose your sheen. It's when you begin to realize some people will sap you of your stories and your humor and your otherness and feed off of it until they're full, that you move on