


one week i'll watch food, inc, and get really grossed out by the thought of meat, and won't touch it for two weeks or so. then i'll get really hungry, and start to crave it. another week i'll get lazy and cheap and won't buy it for a week or so. then i'll start to get excited about cooking with it. never-endingly complicated relationship with meat, partially forged from the remnants of my misguided attempt at vegetarianism for a few years, followed by the health realization that i couldn't really eat red meat, followed by moving to a country where pork and fried pork fat and pork meatballs and beef tenderloin are what's up.

rolled out

rolled out

best meatballs i made recently contain:

800 g ground chicken/turkey/beef/whatever you will, 150 g of tomato paste, generous pinch of salt and pepper, two large eggs, 3 small onions and 2 stalks celery, chopped, curry powder, paprika, a bit of cayenne to taste, 4 diced cloves garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp white vinegar. 




mix with hands, roll the size of golf balls, and either fry or bake in the oven, 230 degrees celsius, for about 20-25 minutes.

i even made these in my microwave oven. tiny kitchen pride.

meatballs are quite flexible. traditional danish frikkadeller are made a certain way, but it's fun to experiment with different flavors: tomato and curry, lime, chili and red onion, green apple and maple, etc.